

All of our activities contribute to building community. Our tagline says it best: Social support for healthful living. We know that you will need support for choosing a healthful lifestyle that goes against the standard American way of eating and living.

Local Resources

We keep each other informed about southwest Michigan and northern Indiana places and activities that contribute to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. Vegan restaurants, U-Pick and organic farms, events such as VegMichiana and the International Food Fair at Andrews University.

Updated Information

Through our events, website, and newsletters, we report on the latest research on nutrition and health. We also watch for new government policies, new food products, new food documentaries, marketing schemes, and other newsworthy health developments.


People who are beginning a whole-food, plant-based diet frequently ask these questions.

Dr. Michael Greger: “The whole food, plant-based diet is the only diet that has been scientifically proven to reverse heart disease, our number one killer.” And research is showing that other chronic diseases can be reversed or avoided in the first place by the whole food, plant-based diet.

Do you know how much protein you should have? Do you know the value of getting your protein from plants? View this 4-minute Dr. Greger video: Animal Protein vs. Plant-Based Protein (

Forks Over Knives shows you what their WFPB diet looks like. It is typical of all WFPB diets. Check it out at
The Forks Over Knives Diet Explained | Plant-Based Food List