After Dr. John Kelly’s presentation, Epigenetics and Lifestyle: Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny, he offered to make his slides available to those who had asked for them. He sent them to me and I have posted them here on this website. He also sent a copy of a flyer that gave details on a 10-day Lifestyle Medicine immersion program in a residential setting here in Michigan. You can go directly to the slides and flyer HERE or have the slides decoded a bit by reading the following explanation.
First let me explain a little about the slides if you are interested in the topic but did not attend the presentation. The opening slide says that the presentation was given on January 20, 2019. These are the same slides he used for the Healthy Together Friends group on March 3, 2019. They are in PDF format, not really slide format.
I have gone through these slides and made a few notes on their content to serve as a sort of Table of Contents. The first few slides are highly technical and report on breakthrough research. Do not give up. It is surprising what you can learn even when you don’t know the medical or research terminology—which is my situation. Also, if you are interested in the topic, the bibliographic information is given for each paper cited. The Fasting Mimicking Diet was featured on one of these first slides.
Case Study #1 – Diabetes on the Marshall Islands
Case Study #2 – Dr. Kelly’s brother who was slated to have a stent, but chose lifestyle intervention
How cells with the same DNA can become different parts of the body.
The Epigenome—what determines the turning on and off of genes
- Nutrition
- Passing on epigenetic change to the next generation
- Low risk prostate cancer study
- Sleep deprivation
- Exercise
Health (phenotype). Environmental factors affecting health
Summary (Quite understandable)
The Epigenetic and Lifestyle slides in PDF format and the flyer for the Oak Haven 10-Day Immersion Lifestyle Medicine Program can be downloaded HERE.