Sunday’s [May 19] activities were a smashing way to wind up our 2019 season of Community Events. The behind-the-scenes tour of the Barbott greenhouses, the Container Gardening presentations by Bill and Chris Moyer and John Harville, and finally the flower container creation and drawing—courtesy of Barbott Farms and Greenhouse—seemed to please everyone who came. And there were quite a few who came. We ran out of the 60 slips for the drawing and many did not get their names in the box. We estimate that 80 people attended.
I want to thank our Idea Team for coming up with all the ideas for the five monthly events. These team members are Margaret Hogeboom, Cyndi Leffler, Leslie Hudon, Linda Pellandini, and Susan Pellandini. Our team will be having a debriefing session soon. We will also be looking for ideas for next year’s Community Events. A couple of ideas have already been suggested. We welcome your ideas.
Here are a few photos from the events.
Miriam and Andy Barbott, co-owners of Barbott Farms and Greenhouse, took us on the behind-the-scenes greenhouses tour. The Barbotts grow all their own plants. And the process is labor-and-love intensive.
A small machine can fill a starting tray with many seeds in a short time. In a day it can fill more than they need because they plant the same varieties at different times in order to have them bloom as they are needed for sales.
Matthew, the oldest Barbott son who just graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in agriculture, works with a machine that fills large trays with potting soil. It can go so fast that two people are needed to run it.
From the left: Chris Moyer, Bill Moyer, John Harville Photo courtesy of Cyndi Harville
These three Advanced Master Gardeners—Chris, Bill, and John—were a good team who knew what they were talking about. People left with handouts and a confidence that they could do better with growing vegetables and herbs in containers than they had done in the past. Chris said that there was so much going on at the end that not everyone got their handouts.
John handed out Smart Gardening tip sheets produced by Michigan State University Extension. Topics were on smart lawns, soils, plants, vegetables, fruits, and pollinators. If you did not get a sample of them or would like to see the full range of handouts to download, go to this and click on Smart Gardening Resources.
Jen asks Glenda for her flower preferences
The last activity of the day was the making of a flower container. The drawing for the container was done before Jen began building it. Jen had selected a number of flower plants, some for shade and some for sun. The drawing winner, Glenda Davidson, was given the privilege of choosing which type she preferred. She chose shade. The container was filled with “thrillers, fillers, and spillers.”
The “thriller” flowers used in this container are three large-blossom red begonias. Glenda shows the winning slip for the drawing.